”Stating Sinhala New Year as Sinhala & Tamil New Year is yet another shrewd attempt by the vicious separatists to divide this country between Sinhalese & Tamils first and then establish a separate Tamil country later” said Galllege Punyawardana, the head of Swarna Hansa Foundation at a media meet held on March 15 at Dr. N. M. Perera Center at Borella, to expose the conspiracy to undermine and eliminate the Sinhala Nation.
Speaking further Mr. Punyawardana explained how two stripes were added to the National Flag, to help minorities to claim ownership to the country. The National flag is in fact the deed of the country. The deed states who owns the land of the country. According to the original National Flag the country was owned by the Sihalese, the Nation of the country. But according to the present National Flag which has two stripes added, the country is owned by Tamils and Muslims as well. It is a forgery. Stating Sinhala New Year as Sinhala & Tamil New Year is therefore a similar forgery. It is a National Fraud indeed. Therefore the Sinhalese who owns this country by civilization should refrain from using the forged identification of the Sinhala New year, because it will help the separatists to divide the country, stressed Mr. Punyawardana.
Addressing the media meet Mr. Suriya Gunasekara of the Swarna Hansa Foundation said that during the course of serving the nation as an Administrator, he was able to find out how and who made these changes to Sinhala New Year.
At first it was imperial officers who wanted to undermine the status of Sinhala Nation, saying that no race should have any right that another race that do not have. If the Sinhalese have a holiday for the New Year, the Tamils also should have a holiday. Accordingly the British imperialists officially identified the Sinhala New Year as Sinhala & Hindu New Year. That was how they did it at that time.
Then in the 1980s after the Tamil racial activities, the local politicians and bureaucracy who had been well trained by the British, going by the British way of thinking began to identify the Sinhala New year as Sinhala & Tamil New Year. That is a treacherous act, because it recognized that Tamils also could claim ownership to the culture and the civilization of this country. It is recognized in United Nations that those who created the civilization are the Nation of that country. The New Year in this country is a reflection of the culture and the civilization. When the New Year is identified as Sinhala & Tamil New Year it accordingly gives ownership of the culture and country to the Tamils as well, said Dr. Suriya Gunasekara.
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